Author:  Dr. Keith Yoder
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Binding and LoosingJesus called “binding and loosing” keys to the Kingdom of God.  But what does that mean?  With revolutionary boldness, Jesus fixed the foundation for His Kingdom by transferring the keys of decision-making authority from rabbis to ordinary followers. The keys of binding and loosing unlock the passageway between heaven and earth as Jesus entrusts His followers to discern and declare His will.

Transform the way you approach leadership! Developing a wise strategy for making leadership decisions can mean the difference between leaders who succeed or fail. Keith will walk you through the radical model that Jesus intended for leaders as part of His church–whether in business, congregation, or organization.

With what specific authority did Jesus empower believers?  What are the boundaries and applications of this power?  Keith explores these questions and more.

Sample Pages

Paperback booklet; 36 pgs.