Remaining Faithful Even through Difficult Circumstances
I’m daily encouraged and inspired by the faith of my friend, Cindy Riker. For over 4 years her husband, Don, suffers chronic pain from what appears to be symptoms of leprosy that he’d contracted on a missions trip in India, but the disease hasn’t taken what doctors consider a normal course. The source of Don’s suffering continues to stump the medical world. Though many questions remain unanswered and everyday life is a constant challenge, Cindy and Don remain strong in their trust and fellowship with the Lord. I asked Cindy if I could post for you a journal entry she recently wrote, and pray the deep insight will strengthen your faith as it has mine. – PT
Suffering hurts, yes, but it moves us to a deeper place…
I think there are no ?easy answers? with God because He time and again reminds us that there is a reward for those who seek Him—diligently. And better yet, HE is the reward. He wants to be discovered, not unlike a diamond, by people who desperately seek Him. He is holy and set-apart, a precious gem, not simple, ordinary or common. I wonder how desperate we would feel if circumstances did not provide opportunities? How hungry would I feel if I were always satiated? It is what presses us on. Those who give up won’t gain the benefit of greater depths of understanding.
After my broken engagement, I ?tested? Don to see how serious he really was. I tested him so I could see demonstrated true loyalty, commitment, and love. How much was I worth pursuing? I intentionally didn?t make it easy to capture my heart. It was reserved for one who valued it enough to ?diligently seek it.? And because of his patience and perseverance he won out!!
I have heard this world is not the way it was meant to be. Truly, as God created Eden it was ?very good.? Perfect. Yet, in His omniscience?He knew it would not stay that way, for He knew the choice given to mankind would be tested. And when God looked for Adam and Eve and they confessed, it was evident He had a well-thought through answer already on His tongue ? not only for their immediate consequence, but also plans for the future Son of Man who would come to crush the head of the serpent with His heel. It was already in motion ? especially since God is not constrained by time like we are. So maybe it is?WE who are?not the way we were meant to be.
However, I wonder ? could it be “no” (we are not the way we were meant to be) but also “yes” (we are)? Had we been created “perfect” and ready to step into heaven, there would be no need for Eden or the world He created. Had we been created “perfect” how much of the process of perfection and faith and true understanding would we miss out on? Circumstances should not drive us, but they do shape us. Hardships reveal our level of faith—and also provide opportunity for it to develop and deepen. In a perfect world, would faith even be required? ??hope that is seen is not hope; for who hopes for what he already sees??But if we hope for what we do not see, with perseverance we wait eagerly for it.? (Romans 8:24,25)
Faith and perseverance are qualities God cherishes. His eyes roam the earth looking for those whose hearts are completely given to Him. No matter what they face. Faith is not only a gift from God, but it is an offering to Him. Faith burnished and refined, based on His nature and promise, and not circumstances but despite them, is an offering of highest value to Him.
Often we know or appreciate things by their opposite.?I understand that light is the absence of darkness, having experienced both. I understand much more of the wholeness of?God, having lived in a broken world.
So to a greater degree:
I have a DEEPER appreciation for God as my Comforter,
only?because I have experienced fear and loss.I have a
DEEPER appreciation for God as my Redeemer,
because I am fallen and desperately need Him and His grace.
I have a DEEPER appreciation for the Justice and Mercy of God,
because I have experienced injustice.
I have a DEEPER appreciation for God as my Healer,
because I have experienced pain.
I have a DEEPER appreciation for the Holiness of God,
because I have seen and experienced the depravity of mankind.
I have a DEEPER appreciation and understanding of God?s wholeness,
because I have been hopelessly broken without it.
I have a DEEPER appreciation and understanding of God?s compassion toward me,
because I have experienced the brokenness in my life and in the world,
and need to experience it.
And because I have tasted of it, and see a world desperate for it, I can therefore extend it toward others. It is only experienced in a less-than-perfect world with less-than-perfect circumstances.
These are not just qualities I can read about in a book of theology and understand intellectually. He allows me to live it into understanding.
We learn by hearing and watching, but it travels and gels deeper into our hearts, the core of our being,?through experience. ?Jesus learned obedience through suffering.? He experienced choosing God?s way and not an easier path despite testing, trials, temptations. Because of this, He is truly our champion. Our example of One “tempted in all points like we are, yet without sin.” And as God’s delight to form Christ in me, He provides opportunities for that to happen.
In a less-than-perfect world.
In this current less-than-perfect world of Don’s ongoing health concerns. He is here. He is present.
He is the I AM.
– Cindy Riker
Read more posts by Cindy on her blog,