The Lord’s Timing is Perfect, Always
And the Spirit whispers:
remember My faithfulness
and what I have done
the opposite of God’s perfect timing?
or anxiety, or anger, or blaming, or fear for the future or doubting the Father’s care. That time of waiting–that tremor between suffering and relief–can shake up a lot of rubble in our souls.
shake out the rubble
Remember the last time the Lord brought His answer just after the last minute? Everything worked out. God provided better than we could have ever imagined. All that time and energy spent on doubting, worrying, trying to control and fearing was for nothing.
But what if the answer didn’t come–at least not the way we expected? Maybe the pain or loss lasted a long time. Maybe it’s still here.
I’m not trying to belittle the suffering. It’s real and hard, and like you, I grow weary of it.
But, yes, the waiting shakes up the impatient attitudes, arrogance, anger, anxiety, doubt, worry, shame, strife, spite, etcetera, etcetera. If not for the suffering, I’d be oblivious to some of the rubble polluting my soul. The rocks would still be there, weighing me down, causing me to stumble. If not for the chance to surrender, I would have missed the sweet release of confessing my rubble, the freedom of the Lord’s forgiveness, and the joy that He washed that rubble away. The deeper He routs out that rubble, the deeper His Spirit permeates my heart, and the deeper I know His beautiful communion. Instead of rubble, deep peace and trust is growing in my soul.
No wonder we can mount up on wings like eagles, run and not be weary, walk and not faint, when we wait upon the Lord. The rubble weighs us down, too heavy to fly. Instead of waiting for a specific answer, we wait upon Jesus, His Father and Spirit.
How often have I looked back and thanked the Lord for not answering my prayers when I demanded Him to, because now I know what I would have missed if He had. HIs faithful timing, His will, His way is far better than mine.
The timing of the Lord is perfect, always.
Lord, when we face times of waiting, help us remember your faithfulness. Everything around us is temporal, but our relationship with you is eternal, and far more precious than anything else in this world. We surrender our fear and pain to you. We trust in You and Your perfect timing.
What has the Lord spoken to you during times of waiting? How did He carry you through? Please feel free to share your thoughts and testimonies below. Blessings of joy to you!